dph teabag machines

Single chamber teabag machines
  • machine type Single chamber teabag packaging machine
  • bag format 50 x 60 mm / 50 x 62,5 mm heatsealable single chamber naked bags
  • bag type naked bag
  • machine type Crimped Paper Outer Envelope version without carton filling unit
  • machine type SINGLE CHAMBER (heatsealed outer envelope)TEABAG PACKING MACHINE
  • bag format 50 x 60 mm / 50 x 62,5 mm heatsealable single chamber naked bags
  • bag type heatsealed outer envelope
  • machine type Single chamber teabag packaging machine
  • bag format 50 x 60 mm / 50 x 62,5 mm heatsealable single chamber naked bags
  • bag type naked bag

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